The Consumer Product Safety Commission recently issued a recall on an outdoor fireplace that was manufactured in China. The item in question, the Clay Bowl Outdoor Fireplace, is part of CPSC Recall #14-022. In order to prevent serious harm or dangerous conditions, you can find contact information and suggested remedies if you have purchased one of these recalled fireplaces by reading below.
Product Description
Imported by Nantucket Distributing LLC, the Clay Bowl Outdoor Fireplace was sold in Christmas Tree Shops and And That! stores between July and October of this year. On the original packaging that the fireplace came in, you will be able to find a label with Model #CTFB215 listed on the box. In the case that you have thrown out your box, you can determine if your outdoor fireplace is part of this recall by its description.
This outdoor unit features a black metal bowl that sits in a clay bowl. The clay bowl is nestled within a steel bowl frame that measures approximately 23 inches in diameter. The Clay Outdoor Fireplace has a domed lid that adds a safety feature to prevent burns and serious accidents. The model number should also be listed within the instruction manual that the product came with.
Reason for Recall
The Clay Outdoor Fireplace has been recalled after receiving multiple reports from consumers who voiced their concern about elements from the fireplace becoming airborne when in use. When the fire heats up, pieces of the clay bowl can become dislodged and float in the air, creating a burn hazard for those in the surrounding area. Fortunately, no injuries have been reported to date. The CPSC has issued the recall as a preventative measure to avoid foreseen dangers of nearly 1,200 units that have been sold across the United States.
What should I do if I purchased a Clay Bowl Outdoor Fireplace?
If you have purchased one of these fire pits, the CPSC encourages you to contact Christmas Tree Shops or And That! to receive a full refund. You should discontinue using this fire pit immediately to prevent any harm to you or your family members. Contact Christmas Tree Shops by calling their toll-free line at 888.287.3232 or visit them online. The company has already set up a “Product Recalls” link at the bottom of the homepage for your convenience. For more fire safety tips, please review these Fireplace Maintenance and Safety Tips for Winter.
Finding a Replacement
You can find a replacement outdoor fireplace just in time for the Winter Holidays by checking out these modern and vintage fire pits. Shopping online makes it easy to find the perfect product for your home! Why trudge on an endless mission to find something when you can view all of the details and specifications on one small screen from the comfort of your home!

36″ Fleur de Lis Outdoor Fire Pit
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