Low Maintenance Electric Fireplace

When you light a fire in a wood burning fireplace, there is so much to pay attention to. No matter how tidy you are when setting up the fire, a wood burning fireplace will always be an absolute mess afterwards. Cleaning the ashes out of a fireplace is a necessary task, but it’s one everyone would rather skip. Ever had your favorite sweater ruined by soot? That black residue leftover from burning wood is difficult to clean from clothes. If you have an you have an electric fireplace, there is no mess! Even better, there is virtually no maintenance required with an electric fireplace. No more repairs, cleaning up greasy soot, ashes to sweep, or dangerous fires to attend. Electric fireplaces are the low maintenance way to heat your home.

73″ Norwell White Electric Fireplace

Electric fireplaces need occasional dusting, just like any other piece of furniture and the batteries of the remote will need to be changed every year. The ease of electric fireplaces allow you to be more relaxed in other areas of your life since you do not have to worry about cleaning and maintaining a fireplace. You can even move the fireplace into another room, if you want to. No more scooping out grimy ashes when you’d rather be relaxing on the sofa. Low maintenance electric fireplaces are the way to go! Not convinced? Let’s explore some of the other benefits of electric fireplaces and you’ll be ready to say goodbye to wood fires for good!


One of the biggest considerations for switching to an electric fireplace from a traditional wood burning fireplace is safety. Sparks, ashes, smoke, and live fire all pose different kinds of danger. House fires are devastating accidents, and burns from hot coals or sparks are a common injury during the winter. Wood burning fireplaces may be traditional, but they are also extremely dangerous. Since there is no live flame or smoke, electric fireplaces pose the same amount of danger as any other appliance. Safety settings like temperature control, time settings, safety shut off, and specially treated glass on electric fireplaces keep you and your family safe.

Making Greener Choices

Being eco-friendly is a choice, but it isn’t always an easy or straightforward one. Did you know that burning logs is actually more harmful to the environment than using an electric fireplace? Wood fires put out carbon emissions at a much higher rate, in addition to smoke and other pollutants than may have been on the wood itself. Breathing in the smoke from a fire can be extremely harmful, especially to young children, the elderly, pregnant people, and anyone with a chronic health condition, such as asthma. Using an electric fireplace is not only a healthier choice for you, it’s better for the environment!Saving $$$
In the winter, the electric bill can creep up as the temperature drops. Rather than shiver in layers of blankets, try heating central areas of your home with an electric fireplace. Electric fireplaces use the same amount of electricity to run as other home appliances, often only needing a standard outlet to run. When it’s extremely cold outside, running the central heater alongside an electric fireplace is one way to keep the house toasty warm and comfortable. When your heating system isn’t overworked, it works better! Electric fireplaces can provide heat for up to 1000 sq. feet, making them accessible for living rooms, basements, bedrooms, and other spaces in need of extra warmth. You’ll see the savings in your next heating bill when you add an electric fireplace to your home.

Want to use your existing fireplace and mantle without live fire? Fireplace inserts are exactly what you need to keep your home warm, without smoke, ashes, or sparks. Simply measure your current fireplace before buying an insert. No costly remodeling needed! For more heating options, check out our full catalogue. We even carry outdoor fire pits and fireplace accessories. Your new electric fireplace is only a few clicks away!

Learn More About Electric Fireplaces